Individual & Family Plans Including Covered California

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I proudly represent Covered California and was selected as an “On Demand” agent based on efficiency, excellence in customer service, and production standards.  In 2019 my call territory was expanded to the entire state.  In addition, my capabilities include assisting with individual family plans (IFP) outside of the Covered California Heath Exchange.
For health insurance to begin January 1, 2023, you must enroll by December 15th, 2022.
Renewal of existing plans will begin November 1, 2022. For changes to existing plans or carriers for 2023, adjustments must be made by December 15, 2022. If you are happy with your existing plan, and there are no changes to your household or financial status, your plan or the next closest plan based on eligibility, will roll over to 2023. Please be aware of premium changes (if any), beginning January 2023  and update auto withdrawals if applicable. The last day of open enrollment is January 31, 2023 with an effective date of February 1st. 
Pre-existing conditions are not considered for enrollment into IFP health insurance.

Special Enrollment Facts

If you have experienced a qualifying life event you may enroll in a health insurance plan outside of the annual open enrollment period.
You usually have 60 days from the date of the qualifying event to enroll in a health insurance plan (or change your existing plan).
Examples of qualifying life events include: Losing existing coverage, getting married, and moving to or within California.

Please contact me for complete details and to enroll.

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